As well as guide writing, Matthew writes features and news, conducts interviews, and appears on podcasts - including a run as host and producer of the Eurogamer Podcast.

He also has experience reporting from the biggest gaming events and conferences around the world, including E3, gamescom, GDC, Develop, EGX / Rezzed, EVE Fanfest and BlizzCon.

Selected features, interviews and reporting

Podcast hosting and selected appearances

Host and producer of the Eurogamer Podcast between 2018 and 2020, covering topics as diverse as Outer Wilds spoilers, the best Sonic... everything, how the EGX expo gets made and puns for the site's 20th anniversary.

Appearances on Shenmue Dojo (talking about Shenmue), My Favourite Game (also talking about Shenmue) and radio show One Life Left (not talking about Shenmue). I also continue to feature on Eurogamer's podcasts, such as discussing Pokémon Go's 5th anniversary.